

Template by Dudu

Dive into the world of hassle-free newsletter sharing, where simplicity meets customization, and tell your startup story in style.

  • Blue Flower
  • Blue Flower
  • Blue Flower


Dynamic CMS

Responsive Design


Code Overrides

Dive into our Newsletter Framer Template - Made specifically for both first time founder and serial entrepreneurs looking for a simple and straightforward way of sharing their Journey building their startup. Change the aesthetic of the website by just changing the accent color to fit your brand and easily re-arrange assets to fit your preferences.


  • Home Page

  • Archive Page

  • About Page

  • Privacy Policy Page

  • Careers Page

  • 404 Page

  • Styleguide Page


  • Click-to-copy Email

  • Progress Bar

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Follow our founder Joey Bruggeman on social to get insights on e-commerce and see more results.
(currently the profile content is in Dutch only).

© All rights Reserved 2024

Follow our founder Joey Bruggeman on social to get insights on e-commerce and see more results.
(currently the profile content is in Dutch only).

© All rights Reserved 2024

Follow our founder Joey Bruggeman on social to get insights on e-commerce and see more results.
(currently the profile content is in Dutch only).

© All rights Reserved 2024